Veramed Stories: Career Journey

Career Journey

Episode 054 – Meet the Leadership: Stuart McGuire

March 7, 2024

Francesca sits down with Stuart McGuire, our Chief Business Officer and Environmental Ambassador, to learn all about his career path, his role at Veramed, and his love for the environment.

Stuart McGuire

Career Journey

Episode 044 – Introducing our new host

September 7, 2023

Himesh Chauhan welcomes the new Veramed Stories host, Francesca Pannullo! We get an insight into Francesca’s plans for the podcast, why she decided to be the new host and how she plans to direct her first few episodes and series. 

Francesca Pannullo

Career Journey

Episode 043 – Meet the Board: Charlie Chhoa-Wilson

August 24, 2023

In our new mini series ‘Meet the Board’ we introduce each member of our board, discover what their day to day life is like at Veramed and find out more about their role. In today’s episode, Himesh speaks to Charlie to talk about his role as a Chief Financial Officer.

Charlie Chhoa-Wilson

Career Journey

Coder’s Corner: SAS Comment Types

August 15, 2023

In this week’s episode, Himesh kicks off the new Veramed Stories mini-series ‘Coder’s Corner’ with Hector Leitch, Senior Programmer I. Coder’s Corner started as an information bank for Veramed employees to share their knowledge and tips in SAS that others could learn from. In this episode, Hector shares his tips on different comment types.

Hector Leitch

Career Journey

Episode 042 – Meet the Board: Katherine Hutchinson

August 10, 2023

In our new mini series ‘Meet the Board’ we introduce each member of our board, discover what their day to day life is like at Veramed and find out more about their role. In today’s episode, Himesh speaks to Katherine to talk about her role as a Chief Operating Officer.

Katherine Hutchinson

Career Journey

Episode 041 – Meet the Board: my role as a Chief People Officer

July 27, 2023

In our new mini series ‘Meet the Board’ we introduce each member of our board, discover what their day to day life is like at Veramed and find out more about their role. Himesh begins the series by talking to Tom Seymour to discuss his role as a Chief People Officer.

Tom Seymour

Career Journey, Recruitment

Episode 034 – Making the jump from academia to industry

April 13, 2023

Himesh is joined by Matthew Burgess, who completed Veramed’s Graduate Training Programme in 2021. They discuss Matt’s previous experience in the industry, how he decided to become a Statistician, and why he chose to join a CRO.

Matthew Burgess

Career Journey

Episode 030 – Going part-time to complete my MSc

February 17, 2023

Himesh talks with Liam and Isla, two newly qualified Statisticians who joined Veramed as Programmers and undertook a part time MSc in Statistics. This episode explores how they managed to balance working and studying with their busy social lives and how they were supported by Veramed throughout their course.

Liam Ryder and Isla Golder