Why choose a specialist CRO for your oncology trials?

We specialize in supporting Phase I, II, and III clinical Oncology studies. Our people-focused approach provides sponsors with a pool of 300+ skilled Statisticians and Programmers that are uniquely matched and scaled to their needs.

View the brochure to discover more.

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Why choose a specialist CRO for your oncology trials?

We specialize in supporting Phase I, II, and III clinical Oncology studies. Our people-focused approach provides sponsors with a pool of 300+ skilled Statisticians and Programmers that are uniquely matched and scaled to their needs.

View the brochure to discover more.

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Fill in the form to book a free consultation with our team. Whether you need flexible, short-term support or an extensive FSP, we’re here to discuss your needs.

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Doug Thomas

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How Does Veramed Support Biotech Businesses?

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How Does Veramed Support Biotech Businesses?

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Certified B Corporations® (B Corps™ ) are for-profit companies that use the power of business to build a more inclusive and sustainable economy. They meet the highest verified standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability. As of 2022, there are more than 4000 B Corps™ in 140 industries and 70 countries across the world. Check out the B Corp™ website for all certified B Corps™. Learn more about B Corps™, why we certified, the assessment process and our continuous dedication to improvement here.

Meet Veramed

Veramed is a pioneering CRO redefining intelligent healthcare decision-making through end-to-end biometrics. We bring together people, innovation, and technology together with world-class governance to accelerate evidence generation and advance patient health. With skilled statisticians and programmers uniquely matched and scaled to client needs, we produce exceptional deliverables swiftly using a blend of skill, rigorous governance, and automation to optimize the speed and success of clinical research from design through to submission and beyond.